Massage in Chigwell & Woodford | Ben Cohen Osteopathy

Massage in Chigwell & Woodford for muscular tightness, postural tension and improved circulation. Chigwell Massage Therapists have evening and weekend availability to suit your convenience and are located in both the Chigwell & Woodford locations.
Are you looking for a massage to - help reduce stress and feel generally more relaxed, help prepare you for an upcoming marathon, relieve generalised tension as a result of spending hours sat behind a desk?
Our Massage Therapists in Chigwell are at hand to help.
Ryan Whitehead, as well as being a massage therapist, is currently undertaking a Masters Degree in Osteopathy at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and is therefore fully equipped to help you.
If you are not sure whether you would benefit from a Massage, please see a few of the health benefits from a massage listed below:
Decreased Stress & Increased Relaxation
Decreased Muscle Tension
Increased Flexibility & Range of Motion
Improved Blood Flow
Endorphin Release to Improve Mood
If you are struggling with a specific pain or injury and would like to know whether a massage is appropriate for your particular problem, then please feel free to email us at and we will be happy to assist you in making a decision.
Our Treatments